
Country: 🇫🇷 France
Born: 2001
Joined: May 9, 2018
Rank: Deadly Monkey


ZCrone’s birth was the worst thing that happened in 2001. He discovered Sauerbraten mere seconds old, in the computer room of the hospital, where it was pre-installed for unimportant reasons. Prior to joining DM, he had been a member of xS. He quickly settled into DM, bonding with Skillz/Zeev over their shared French origins, and with Lokio and Krakovic over their love of “absolute kinography”. Ingame, he is proficient in all modes and seldom refuses a duel, continuously working on getting better. And though he is currently 0-14, he will, one day, win his first SauerDuels ffa match. He also enjoys the osu, and his phone.