Welcome to the newest member of the clan, 🇦🇺 Exiled! He hails from the great island nation of Australia where he picks kiwis down under and puts a lot of shrimp on the barbie and (insert other stereotype here). He is yet another former member of the defunct [FD], who originally started playing sauer in 2010 and returned again in late 2021. Cheers mate, happy to have you on board!
Category: News
DM Year in Review
It’s been a while but we’re proud to have our website back up and running at its new home dmclan.org. Even though it’s been over a year since our last post, we can assure you that DM has been quite busy during 2021. Here are some key updates:
We had a few new members join the clan towards the end of 2020 and throughout 2021. This stellar list included 🇺🇸 Scuba, 🇮🇹 Super_Girl, C4ST3X, 🇸🇪 Starman and 🇺🇸 FrozenRain! Scuba and FrozenRain both originally hail from the eternal plane of the Forgotten Dreams, following in the footsteps of a few other notable DMs over the years. Super_Girl, C4ST3X and Starman joined the ranks as free agents looking to further enhance their uniquely deadly skills!
We also had a few members leave us in 2021, which included Super_Girl, 🇳🇱 Eleisa, 🇩🇪 Plata and 🇩🇪 bioweapon. Each member untimely decided to move on from DM for different reasons and we wish them all the best luck and prosperity wherever they may land.
In addition to the new members that joined recently, we’ve had a few inactive members find their way back into the fold within the last year or so including 2008-09 oldheads 🇺🇸 bandandit, 🇮🇹 RockKeyman and 🇮🇹 Kanata. Meanwhile keep a look out for 🇺🇸 trackpad, 🇮🇱 bug and 🇦🇹 Thomas as they continue to make their eminent return in 2022 (hopefully)!
DM has been a little quiet in the competitive scene lately – no surprise there – but did achieve 2nd place in Division B of Fohlen’s eCTF championship Series back in March. Also prior to his departure, Plata took home the SILVER in the SVN August Effic tournament and a BRONZE in the SVN September FFA tournament.
That about sums it up. Check back again for further DM news and updates and we’ll see you in game!
Impromptu Clan Reunion
In what some would call a small phenomenon, 10 members of |DM| were found together on the same server yesterday participating in some epic intern matches. This was particularly noteworthy as the games consisted of both veteran and newer members alike, many of whom have not played in a very long time, and some who had never even played with one another before this.
Teams were organized as veteran DMs vs. newer DMs. Despite some hard fought games and a few close finishes, the majority of games went to the newer team who continue to show promising excellence for the future success of the clan.

One spectator during yesterday’s games pointed out that they’ve never seen that many DMs at the same time before. And quite frankly, it’s been a long time since we have either. Perhaps it’s time to change that, so keep an eye out on the servers for more DM encounters, and maybe one day you’ll be lucky to witness it yourself!